Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Carseat Oops

When I heard the local police were doing a car seat inspection event at Target, we headed up, figuring I could get our seat checked out and some shopping (ie: ogling and being sad I can't buy anything) done at the same time.  Win win.

Since this is our first bambino, I figured it wouldn't hurt to make sure we were doing it all the right way, even though I'm crazy paranoid anyway and researched everything and tighten the straps down extra tight and etc.

Glad I went!  Turns out, I was wrong about where the handle of the infant seat goes.  I had read that it should be "all of the way forward" or something like that - and assumed that meant it needed to be pulled as far down as it could go, like when you are carrying it.  I had been nagging Tony every time he forgot to pull it down after putting her in it... But, apparently it's supposed to be all of the way back, like behind the baby's head.  The handle is for carrying only and shouldn't go anywhere in front of the baby while it's in the car.  News to me.  Thank you Mr. police officer in your fancy uniform!

Sure, it seems like it's not a big deal, but I guess babies can crack their heads on the bar if you were in an accident.  That would be no good.

So, surely none of you are stupid like me and always knew how to do it correctly - but just in case - this is your psa for the day.

{I should add that I just googled all of this - and there are many sites that say just the opposite - but I'm just going to trust my local police man anyway}


  1. Sounds like an easy mistake to make! However, you're doing great with carseat safety since that's the only thing wrong.

    I would also trust the policeman before I trusted websites. My husband has two cousins who are both firemen and work at a station that does carseat inspections. They said they only have one or two people who are certified to do this, because certification requires something like 4 days of either training or testing. The people who are certified have to know how to install every type of carseat into every type of car. And I really trust that knowledge!


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